Your goals are our goals

We know very well that no one knows your organization better than you do. So how do we figure out what your goals are? Simple, we listen to you! We listen to your needs, your goals become ours. We will learn about your reality and you will learn about the way we take care of your work. Our mission is to implement all the solutions that can transform your objectives into achieved results.


We choose to do only what we do best

And like everyone else, we can't do everything. That's why we have built a group, a network of relationships that includes other professionals with specific skills, that we trust and with whom you can also enter into a relationship if the objectives we have set include that.


A network of people that we trust

with whom we have already worked on other projects, that have helped us to achieve the desired results, and - at times - even to exceed the most optimistic prediction. Getting in touch with them does not mean imposing some suppliers on the project, but introducing you to the people we trust, share our "Guanxi" with you. You will choose and evaluate their contribution to the project.


We are honest up to the point of being uncomfortable

We are not going to tell you what you want to hear at all costs. We are going to tell you what we really think is best for you. We are loyal to all the people we work with, whether they are employees, customers or suppliers. We believe that a relationship based on transparency is immeasurably more valuable than one based solely and exclusively on our own personal gain.

We don't know how long it will take, but at some point we will become your trusted advisors

At some point in our relationship, our clients begin to ask us things that are not directly our domain. If we can, we always help them. If we can't, we help them find someone who can. This is what Guanxi is based on: a network of relationships to be part of to grow your business, but also to find solutions to complex problems.

Chi fa parte del gruppo







Metodologia &

  • Specialisti della business agility e
    dell’approccio agile nelle organizzazioni;
  • Consulenti e imprenditori che usano il
    crowdfunding come strumento strategico;
  • Professionisti della gamification;
  • Consulenti e mediatori specializzati
    nell’apertura del business al mercato in Cina.


  • Sviluppatori e front end;
  • Professionisti nello sviluppo di soluzioni e
    integrazioni complesse;
  • Grafici, fotografi, illustratori, brand designer;
  • Copywriter specializzati in contenuti per
    prodotti/servizi B2B e B2C;
  • Video maker, esperti in riprese e montaggi, ma
    anche video designer e video animati;
  • Inside sales e supporto alla customer

Our Guanxis

It's not just about business, it's about creating unthinkable worlds, making possible what many people cannot even imagine.

Do you have a project in mind?